Looking for services for your family in Dufferin County, Ontario? Visit MyDufferin.ca to get connected to community services that support the well-being of children and families.
The Dufferin Basics offers practical, everyday ways to promote child development and foster school readiness. This initiative began as an effort to ensure that organizations across Dufferin County provide consistent, evidence-based parenting messages. The Dufferin Basics is a local affiliate of The Basics Multi-City Network.support.
January/February 2025 poster of FREE parenting workshops within Dufferin County for parents and caregivers.
The Health Equity Working Group of the Dufferin County Equity Collaborative (DCEC) has put together a Dufferin & Area Food Access Guide, listing many local emergency and community food programs serving Dufferin residents.

Local projects and resources
DuCK provides community resources and is currently involved in a number of projects across Dufferin County. Click the links below for more information.